• 本

日本語の会話の相互作用における隠れたコンフリクトと明白なコンフリクト Hidden and open conflict in Japanese conversational interaction

出版社名 くろしお出版
出版年月 2004年5月
ISBNコード 978-4-87424-294-0
税込価格 4,180円
頁数・縦 302P 21cm



1 Hidden and Open Conflict in Japanese Conversational Interaction
2 Managing Topics of Conversation in Japanese
3 Conflict Management Strategies in Japanese Group Discussions
4 Hidden Disagreement:Relation Maintenance in the Japanese Discourse of Disagreement
5 Verbal and Noverbal Negotiation in Japanese Storytelling
6 Alternating and Dual Alignments in Nemawasi ‘Behind the Scenes Persuasion’ Conversations
7 The Role of Repetition in Complaint conversations
8 Weak and Strong Opposition in Japanese Invitation‐Refusals