• 本

Key Concepts of Experimental Pragmatics

出版社名 開拓社
出版年月 2022年11月
ISBNコード 978-4-7589-2374-3
税込価格 8,800円
頁数・縦 352P 22cm



1 Experiments in Semantics and Pragmatics(Experiments and Research in Semantics and Pragmatics:Which Methods for Which Problems?
Development of Neuropragmatics)
2 Methodology(Event‐Related Potentials
Self‐Paced Reading Method
Experimental Pragmatics Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging(fMRI) ほか)
3 Selected Topics(Types of Disjunction:Negative Scope
Reportative Markers in German and Japanese
Implicature Processing ほか)