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西太平洋連合のすすめ 日本の「新しい地政学」 英文版

出版社名 出版文化産業振興財団
出版年月 2023年2月
ISBNコード 978-4-86658-243-6
税込価格 6,050円
頁数・縦 511P 21cm



Part1 Members of ASEAN(chapter1 Indonesia and the Concept of a Western Pacific Union
Chapter2 The Regional Diplomacy of the Philippines and the Western Pacific Union
Chapter3 Vietnam’s “Management of Asymmetry” in Foreign Relations ほか)
Part2 Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands(Chapter10 Japan and Australia:From Wartime Enemies to Strategic Partners
New Zealand A Small Country with a Big Presence
Chapter11 The Pacific Island Countries
Timor‐Leste Japan’s Role as Timor‐Leste Moves from Conflict to Prosperity)
Part3 Other Related Countries and Regions(Chapter12 Taiwan and International Relations in the Western Pacific
Bangladesh Strongly Growing Partner Linking Southeast and South Asia
Africa Potential of the Western Pacific Union from the Perspective of Relations with Africa
Conclusion The Western Pacific Union in the Development of Asian Regionalism)